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Thavmatvrgvs Mathematicvs : Id est, Admirabilivm Effectorvm E Mathematicarvm Disciplinarvm Fontibvs Proflventivm Sylloge - Ens, Gaspard (1570-1650)Thavmatvrgvs Mathematicvs : Id est, Admirabilivm Effectorvm E Mathematicarvm Disciplinarvm Fontibvs Proflventivm Sylloge - Ens, Gaspard (1570-1650)
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Théatre de C. A. Demoustiers : auteur deslettres a Emilie sur la my thologie. T. 1. - Demoustier, Charles-Albert (1760-1807)Théatre de C. A. Demoustiers : auteur deslettres a Emilie sur la my thologie. T. 1. - Demoustier, Charles-Albert (1760-1807)
Théatre de C. A. Demoustiers : auteur deslettres a Emilie sur la my thologie. T. 2. - Demoustier, Charles-Albert (1760-1807)Théatre de C. A. Demoustiers : auteur deslettres a Emilie sur la my thologie. T. 2. - Demoustier, Charles-Albert (1760-1807)
The complete French master : for ladies and gentlemen - Boyer, Abel (ca 1664-1729)The complete French master : for ladies and gentlemen - Boyer, Abel (ca 1664-1729)
The Curious adventures of a little white mouse; or, a bad boy changed, in a very comical manner, into a good boyThe Curious adventures of a little white mouse; or, a bad boy changed, in a very comical manner, into a good boy
The elements of Euclid : viz, the first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth [...]The elements of Euclid : viz, the first six books, together with the eleventh and twelfth [...]
The Geographical Magazine : or, A new, copious, compleat, and universal System of Geography containing an accurate and entertaining account and description of the several continents, islands, peninsulas, isthmuses, capes, promontories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, gulphs, and bays of Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Vol. II - Martyn, William FrederickThe Geographical Magazine : or, A new, copious, compleat, and universal System of Geography containing an accurate and entertaining account and description of the several continents, islands, peninsulas, isthmuses, capes, promontories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, gulphs, and bays of Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Vol. II - Martyn, William Frederick
The geographical system of Herodotus, examined; and explained - Rennell, James (1742-1830)The geographical system of Herodotus, examined; and explained - Rennell, James (1742-1830)
The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those kingdomes [...] with a continuation of those troubles untill the truce on 1629, as aldo a particular narration of the daily passages at the [...] treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia anno 1635. Concluding with a breif commemoration of the life and death of Sr. George Duglas Knight [...] - Fowler, JohnThe history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those kingdomes [...] with a continuation of those troubles untill the truce on 1629, as aldo a particular narration of the daily passages at the [...] treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia anno 1635. Concluding with a breif commemoration of the life and death of Sr. George Duglas Knight [...] - Fowler, John
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translated out of the Original Tongues [...]The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : Newly translated out of the Original Tongues [...]
The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 1 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 1 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)
The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 2 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 2 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)
The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 3 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 3 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)
The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 4 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)The justice of the peace, and parish officer. T. 4 - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)
The justice of the peace, and parish officer - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)The justice of the peace, and parish officer - Burn, Richard (1709-1785)
Themata Medica De Beanorum, Archibeanorum, Beanulorum Et Cornutorum Quorumcunque Affectibus Et Curatione - Tevetio Crufenas, CarriolinusThemata Medica De Beanorum, Archibeanorum, Beanulorum Et Cornutorum Quorumcunque Affectibus Et Curatione - Tevetio Crufenas, Carriolinus
The miscellaneous works of Dr. Goldsmith containing all his essays and poems - Goldsmith, Oliver (1730-1774)The miscellaneous works of Dr. Goldsmith containing all his essays and poems - Goldsmith, Oliver (1730-1774)
The New English, French and Italian Pocket-Dictionary - Bottarelli, F.The New English, French and Italian Pocket-Dictionary - Bottarelli, F.
Theologia ascetica ad mentem s. Bonaventurae [...] : continens varia exercitia et modos acquirendi perfectionem religiosam - Dobrosielski, Chryzostom (ca 1605-1676)Theologia ascetica ad mentem s. Bonaventurae [...] : continens varia exercitia et modos acquirendi perfectionem religiosam - Dobrosielski, Chryzostom (ca 1605-1676)
Theologiae moralis. T. 1 - Kimpfler, Gregor (1627-1693)Theologiae moralis. T. 1 - Kimpfler, Gregor (1627-1693)